Page name: Fairy Cosplay [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-23 02:46:49
Last author: *Sakura-chan*
Owner: *Sakura-chan*
# of watchers: 6
Fans: 0
D20: 18
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*Fairy Cosplay*

You must use this fairy for *Anime Fairies* and the other wikis with it

1.)Princess Fairy Is: [*Sakura-chan*]
<img300*0:>Name: Kilayla
Magical Power: Can transfrom into anything and anyone

2.) Flower Fairy Is: [Bella HeartAttack]
Magical Power: Can switch her age at anytime she wants and can turn human to.

3.) Pink Fairy Is:[*Sakura-chan*] he he
<img300*0:>Name: Rosemary
Special Power: Can make flowers grow out of nowhere and gigantic flowers for defense

4.) Fire Fairy Is:[wicked fae mage]
Special Power:Read people's aura and other personal signals easily.

5.) Cosmic Fairy Is: [Asalli_Angel]
Special Power:Able to speak to all creatures and plants.

6.) Midnight Moon Fairy Is: [Fearathress]
<img300*0:>Name: Heather
Special Power: Grant peoples wishes and to use the moons power to protect the innocent.

7.) Good Luck Fairy Is: [Blood Sucking Beauty]
<img270*0:>Name: Aurora
Special Power:Good luck if touches someone. Can turn into whatever she wants.

8.) Rose Fairy Is:
Special Power:

9.) Dream Fairy Is:
Special Power:

Back to Anime Fairies or go to Best Anime Fairy, Fairy Members Art and Fairy Banner Creation Contest

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2007-06-27 [*Sakura-chan*]: no one here?

2007-06-29 [KnightAngel]: I am ^^'

2007-06-29 [*Sakura-chan*]: okie lets just wait till more people get here....

2007-06-29 [KnightAngel]: Okay ^^'

2007-06-29 [*Sakura-chan*]: ...........ill invite more people

2007-06-29 [KnightAngel]: Hehe okay ^^'

2007-06-29 [*Sakura-chan*]: ^ ^ would you like to help me?

2007-06-29 [KnightAngel]: Gladly, what should I do? :P

2007-06-29 [*Sakura-chan*]: tell more people about this wiki ^ ^ simple

2007-06-29 [KnightAngel]: Hehe okay :P

2007-06-29 [*Sakura-chan*]: ^ 6 k

2007-07-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *sweet voice* anyone here?

2007-07-06 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: What is it? *answers drowzily*

2007-07-06 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ill be back *hides behind a tree and transforms into Mizuri* hello

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks* Erh hello

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: hi *giggles*

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Hey ^_^

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *transfroms back* you felt for it ^-^ *giggles*

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: Erh? Ah! Hehe, well only you would be able to make me fall for it Kilayla ^^

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: hu?

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* Well you are the only one that would be able to fool me like that dear Kilayla.

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: hehehe right ^ ^'

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *looks down* Well you are...

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: (i wish there was more people here)
Kilayla: so now what?

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *shrugged and sat down to brush her hair* I don't know, planned on going out to explore the forests here soon, you're free to join me if you like ^^ (Yeah I know what you mean ^^')

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: (wanna join Fantasy Anime Lovers RP? ^ ^)
Kilayla: yeah sure

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: (alo?)

2007-07-07 [wicked fae mage]: what exactly is the fairy cosplay?

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: a roleplay

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: act like the fairy you have chosen

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *makes a energyball in her hand then with her mind makes it float about nearby her* There, much better, so hard to do your hair properly with poor lighting...

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: thanx ^ ^ there

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* You're welcome ^^

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *turns into Mizuru* ^ ^

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *chuckles* Hehe, funny Kilayla

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *turns back and giggles* ^ ^ wanna come to my castle?

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* I'd gladly come ^^ *gets up after putting the finishing touch on her hair* Lead on then ^^

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ok *walks toward the woods* we have to go to through the woods first

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *squeals* Whee!! I love to go through the woods! ^_^

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ^ ^

2007-07-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: well then let's go ^^

2007-07-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *is leading the way* this is going to be a long way

2007-07-08 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* No problem for me, had nothing better to do anyway as you know ^^'

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: 0 0 i heard something behind the bushes *is still leading the way*

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: (wow.)

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: (join if you want)

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: (how's that?)

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: (you already joined ^ ^')

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: (:P)

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: (well then lets begin)
Kilayla: hi?

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather: Hallo.

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: my name is kilayla

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather: My names it Heather. Nice to meet you Kilayla.

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: so are you gooing wit us?

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather: Going where exactly?

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: to my castle ^ ^

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather: Sure.

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: k just follow me ^ ^

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather: Alright.  Moves over to Kilayla.

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: its dangourous here in the woods so be careful

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather: *Nodded *

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: hu? *turnd around*

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather: *She raised her eyebrow in a questioning look.*

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: i heard something

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather: Where?

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: behind the bushes *points*

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: *Heather nods and very quitely flys behinde the bush* Whos there?

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: as she goes she turns into her* *giggles*

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather looks at Kilayla. "What are you giggling for?"

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *is transfromed into her* *smiles*

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather fell back laughing.

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ^ ^

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: Heather: Shook her head and got up. "Your gifts are amazing."

2007-07-08 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: thanx *transfroms back*

2007-07-08 [Fearathress]: "Your welcome."

2007-07-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *leads the way again* i think were almost there

2007-07-09 [Fearathress]: Heather: Alright.

2007-07-09 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks as she looks up, having followed absentmindedly* Huh? Already? Oh my... I must have zoned out, sorry about that dear ^^

2007-07-09 [Fearathress]: Heather: She looks at Mizuru. "Hallo. I dont think we have met. My name's Heather." She said extending a hand.

2007-07-09 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks then smiles slightly drowzy* Nice to meet you, I'm Mizuru ^^

2007-07-09 [Fearathress]: Heather: "Nice to meet you. You look like you just got woken up by a bear." Heather said noteing how tired Mizuru looked.

2007-07-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ok were here *looks up at the castle*

2007-07-09 [Fearathress]: Heather: Looks up. "Wow."

2007-07-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: come on in *door opens*

2007-07-09 [Fearathress]: Heather: Follows in looking around.. "you dont happen to have a guarden do you.. I dont like being indoors realy long."

2007-07-09 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: of course i do ^ ^ everywhere

2007-07-09 [Fearathress]: Heather: "Cool."

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: i cant wait until you meet my sister ^ ^

2007-07-10 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins* Hehe, not really that much, mainly for appearences really ^^

2007-07-10 [Fearathress]: Heather: "I understand that. Your sister?"

2007-07-10 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: shes a princess too, a cute one *goes up the stairs*

2007-07-11 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: I would love to meet your sister dear *follows after*

2007-07-11 [Fearathress]: Heather: Does the same.

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: her name is rosemary
Rosemary: sister!!!! *runs and hugs her* ^ ^

2007-07-11 [wicked fae mage]: Kaji:Boo! (never done this before through comments^^)

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: (its okay just act as the fairy you picked ^ ^)
Kilayla: im so happy to see you again
Rosemary: me too *looks at them* you brought friends?!!

2007-07-11 [wicked fae mage]: I am happy to meet all of you! whatever shall all of us do?

2007-07-11 [Fearathress]: Heather: Nice to meet you too.

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: nice to meet you too
Rosemary: hello ^ ^

2007-07-11 [wicked fae mage]: I am Kaji^^the fire fairy:">

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: thats cool ^ ^
Rosemary: im the flower fairy *makes a little flower pop out of the ground*

2007-07-11 [wicked fae mage]: Kaji:pretty!

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ^ ^
Rosemary: yes indeed

2007-07-11 [Fearathress]: Heather: I am the midnight moon fairy.

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ^ ^ yup

2007-07-11 [wicked fae mage]: Kaji: we should make many gardens and pretty things everywhere!!!^^

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: klilayla: good idea, take it away rosemary!!!
Rosemary: you got it!!!! *makes different and beautiful kinds of flowers grow*

2007-07-11 [wicked fae mage]: Kaji: I'll help too! **makes pretty fire that doesn't burn things float around**

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: i can help *transforms into plant decoration and leaves them and shes herself*
Rosemary: and my favorite, the rose *makes the biggest rose evr*

2007-07-11 [wicked fae mage]: Kaji:oh how lovely! We should become decorators!^^

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: (do you like Fullmetal alchemist?)
Kilayla: maybe ^ ^
Rosemary: of course we will lol

2007-07-11 [wicked fae mage]: (I've watched up to episode 20 thing...but yes! there aren't many animes that i don't love)

Kaji:to designer school!!!!^^

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: (so you dont like it?)
Kilayla: right behind ya!!!
Rosemaru: same here lol

2007-07-11 [wicked fae mage]: ( i like it...i just don't have the patience to sit down and watch something all the way through...i'm better at reading the manga)

Kaji:**hands out their schedules for design school**

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: thanx *starts to read it*
Rosemary: than you ^ ^
*reads it too*

2007-07-11 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *walks around leaving energyorbs around to light up the place, looking rather absentminded*

2007-07-11 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: its getting dark *looks outside through the window
Rosemary: do you guys want to stay?!!

2007-07-12 [wicked fae mage]: Kaji:slumber party!^^

2007-07-12 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: yeah!!!!
Rosemary: lets go to Kilayla's room to party!!!!

2007-07-12 [wicked fae mage]: Kaji:yays!

2007-07-13 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru:*grins* Sounds fun ^^

2007-07-13 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *is in her room* ^ ^
Rosemary: lucky Kilayla has the biggest room ^ ^ *enter the room*

2007-07-13 [wicked fae mage]: Kaji:**follows merrily**

2007-07-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins and follows after, occationly leaving an energyorb behind to light up the place more*

2007-07-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: welcome to my room ^ ^
Rosemary: beautiful isn't

2007-07-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Very beautiful indeed ^_^

2007-07-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *puts pijamas on* ready?!
Rosemary: *puts pijamas on too* ready!!! how bout you guys?

2007-07-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *chuckles softly then gets into her pajamas as well*

2007-07-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: where are the others?
Rosemary: maybe there in the restroom ^ ^

2007-07-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins and sits down on a pile of pillows*

2007-07-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: lets wait for them
Rosemary: *throws a pillow to Kilayla*

2007-07-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *forms a energyball between his hands then another and then one more then started juggling with them*

2007-07-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: woooow!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Rosemary: cool!!!!

2007-07-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: woooow!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosemary: cool!!!!

2007-07-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *looks over to them* Huh? This? *nodges her head towards her juggling that was still going on* Just passing time that's all ^^'

2007-07-15 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: wha what do you mean?
Rosemary: hu?

2007-07-15 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *blinks confused* Was just responding to your reaction or at least so I thought ^^'

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: well anyways.....PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rosemary: yeah!!!!! *throws another pillow to Kilayla*

2007-07-16 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *grins and extinguishes the orbs then takes one of the pillows and throws it at Rosemary*

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: ha ha!!! *points at rosemary and laughs*
Rosemary: hehehe *throws a pillow to kilayla then at Mizuru*

2007-07-16 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *laughs and tries to duck but fails and then grabs the pillow and throws it at Kilayla* Hehe!! This is fun! ^_^

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: you bet!! *laughs* hehe
Rosemary: *get on top of kilayla* hahaha

2007-07-16 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *chuckles and hovers above them while giggling*

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: hehehe
Rosemary: i wonder where are the others though

2007-07-16 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *shrugs* Perhaps they're preparing the other room more for a party :P

2007-07-16 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayal: *giggles* maybe
Rosemary: ^ ^

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: helo?
Rosemary: kilayla where the others go?

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *shrugs* No idea <.< They vanished it seems o.o

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: kilayla: U-U
Rosemary: awww

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: Shall we go and look for them?

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: KIlayla: i guess

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiled calmly* Okay, any idea on where to start? This is your guy's place after all ^^'

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: maybe we should go to the forest now
Rosemary: *nods happily*

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *smiles* Oh yes, that sounds wonderful.. I love the forest ^^'

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *out of the castle first*
Rosemary: *laughs as she heads out*

2007-08-07 [KnightAngel]: Mizuru: *follows after, fluttering her wings slightly to keep her nearly above the ground, going forward by tiptoeing her way onward with a dull smile*

2007-08-07 [*Sakura-chan*]: Kilayla: *laughs*
Rosemary: *looks at Kilayla* shhhhh

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